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Jon Baines Tours​Marilyn Pattison

Marilyn Pattison is the founder and General Manager of MPOT/Access Fitness, a leading provider of adult community rehabilitation services in South Australia, the General Manager of Talking Matters, a leading provider of paediatric services in South Australia and the immediate past president of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). Marilyn has been involved in a wide variety of practice settings and has been involved with the state and national Australian Occupational Therapy associations and worldwide with WFOT, including liaising with the World Health Organisation. Marilyn is recognised as an international expert in Workplace Health, Rehabilitation and Entrepreneurship and is regularly invited as a guest speaker internationally.

Marilyn has been recognised by the occupational therapy profession in Australia and internationally. She has been awarded the OT Australia National Award for her contribution to her professional association as well as the Sylvia Docker Lectureship for her contribution to the profession. Internationally Marilyn has been made an Honorary Member of the Swedish Occupational Therapy Association and the Moroccan Association of Occupational Therapy and an Honorary Fellow of WFOT, the highest international honour an occupational therapist can receive.