Use the buttons below to view answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Book icon.
All you need to know

How to book

Booking through our website
Booking by post in the United Kingdom
Booking by post in Australia or New Zealand
Booking by post in the European Union
Booking by post in the United States of America
Paying your deposit by cheque
Paying your deposit by bank transfer in GBP (£)
Paying your deposit by bank transfer in AUD ($)
Paying your deposit by bank transfer in EUR (€)
Paying your deposit by bank transfer in USD ($)
Visa icon.
Be ready on time


Are international flights included in my tour cost?
Can you help me book my flights?
Tour grade icon.
What to expect

Tour grades

How do I know which tour is right for me?
Tour grade one icon.
Tour grade two icon.
Tour grade three icon.
Tour grade four icon.
Tour grade five icon.
Tour grade icon.
Packing list

What you will need on tour

What to pack
What to wear for sight seeing
What to wear at professional visits
What to wear at dinners
Tour grade icon.
When and what do I pay?


Will I get an invoice?
How do I pay my instalments?
Can I pay by card over the phone?
Will I get reminders when my payments are due?
What happens if I am late with my payment?
Tour grade icon.
Protecting yourself

Travel insurance

Do I need to get travel insurance?
Can you organise travel insurance for me?
Tour grade icon.
Where will we stay?


What type of accommodation do you typically use?
Can I request a room upgrade?
Can I share a room with someone else travelling on the tour?
Do single occupancy rooms have a single or double bed?
Can I book my own accommodation?
Tour grade icon.
How do we travel on tour?


What modes of transport do you typically use?
Is wifi available on the coach?
What happens if I lose my issued travel pass whilst on tour?
Tour grade icon.
What do we eat on tour?


What type of food do you typically go for?
How many meals are included each day?
Where do we eat when meals are not included?
Are alcoholic drinks included with meals?
Do you cater for vegan / vegetarian diets?
Tour grade icon.
Claiming my holiday as an expense?

Tax deductability

Can I claim my holiday as an expense?
Can you provide me with an invoice for claiming my holiday as an expense?
Tour grade icon.
Cancelling my booking

Cancellation terms

Cancelling or altering your booking
Can I transfer my booking to someone else?
Cancellations by Jon Baines Tours
Tour grade icon.
Falling ill on tour


What happens if I fall ill whilst on tour?
Contact icon.
Not sure where to start?

Get in touch

Each of our tours gives you privileged and specialist access and we put meticulous planning into the design of every one.

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