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Jon Baines ToursCarolyn Fry

Carolyn Fry is an author and journalist specialising in science, conservation, natural history and adventure travel. She has written and contributed to 11 books, covering botanical explorers, the origins of plant-based foods and climate science. Carolyn has won many awards for her work, including the 2016 Garden Media Guild Award for Best Environmental Book for 'Seeds: Safeguarding our Future.'

A former editor of Geographical, the magazine of the Royal Geographical Society, Carolyn has contributed to New Scientist, BBC Wildlife, BBC History, The Times, Sunday Telegraph, Independent on Sunday and Kew Magazine, among others. Her work has taken her far and wide; from visiting the world’s most remote post office in Antarctica, to following in the footsteps of Livingstone in Zambia and wandering ancient palm forests in the Seychelles.

She has appeared on two BBC documentaries, to discuss the role of plants as commodities during the British Empire and the resurgence of tropical gardens.

Carolyn Fry will be leading these tours

A lotus flower

Botanical Histories in Sri Lanka

29 Mar - 12 Apr 2025

Travel in the company of botanical expert, Carolyn Fry, to discover Sri Lanka’s botanical treasures. Learn about its spice trade and production, both historical and contemporary, with...
Cape flowers in spring time

Wildflowers, Wine and the Cape Floral Kingdom - Botanical Histories in South Africa

22 Aug - 5 Sep 2024

The Cape Floral Kingdom in South Africa is one of the richest areas of plant biodiversity in the world. This tiny region on the southern tip of South Africa has been identified as one of the world's...