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Jon Baines ToursProfessor Rosalie David

Professor Rosalie David OBE, BA, PhD, FRSA is a British Egyptologist, emeritus professor and Director of the KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology at the University of Manchester. The focus of her career has been the establishment of a new university specialisation – biomedical research within the field of Egyptology – to provide a different approach to understanding the civilisation of ancient Egypt. Graduating with a BA Degree in Ancient History from University College London, she subsequently pursued a PhD study of ancient Egyptian temple ritual at The University of Liverpool. Rosalie has lectured at universities in many countries and, since 1974, on Nile cruises. She is the author of over 30 books and many articles in peer-reviewed journals, and has been consultant and contributor to several television documentaries. In 2003, she was awarded an OBE for services to Egyptology, and has received Fellowships of The Royal Society of Arts and The Royal Society of Medicine.