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Jon Baines ToursDr John Tidmarsh

Dr John Tidmarsh {MBBS FRACP; BA [Hons] MA (Hons) PhD) is a co-director of the University of Sydney’s excavations at Pella in Jordan and is also co-director of the ANU/University of Melbourne excavations at Jebel Khalid in Syria. He has previously excavated in Greece and Cyprus. His main areas of interest are the archaeology of Alexander the Great’s conquests, the Hellenistic Period in the Near East and Asia, and the Islamic world.

Between 1983 -1995 he was tutor and then part-time lecturer in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Sydney where he still lectures in select courses.  He is currently Honorary Research Associate in the Department of Classics and Ancient History and President of the Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation of that University.

Dr John Tidmarsh is currently an endocrinologist in private practice and a visiting endocrinologist at Lidcombe-Bankstown Hospital. He trained at Royal North shore Hospital where he was Senior Medical Registrar in 1979.

He has led tours for the University of Sydney, Art Gallery of NSW, and other institutions to Iran (some 20 tours), Oman, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, and Greece. He travels widely in the Middle East.