Our online booking system is temporarily unable to accept payments. If you would like to book a tour or make a payment for a reserved tour, please call our office on:(Toll Free) 1-8777-398-764.

A Scottish Retreat - Loch Fyne, Bute and Iona

5 - 11 Sep 2022

Book now

To book a place on this tour, please complete the form below. After completing it we'll take the deposit of USD $550 per traveller. Please note that this deposit is non-refundable.

The second and final instalments will be due 90 and 60 days prior to departure.

We advise US and Canadian clients to have their deposit payment pre authorised by their bank before completing the online booking form and payment. Security for online transactions can be more strict for US and Canadian cards and transactions may be rejected if not pre authorised.

You can use this form to book up to two travellers. For larger groups, or to book by phone please call us. In the UK: 020 7223 9485 or in Australia: 03 9343 6367 .

*Required information

Do you require us to book your flights?

Do you require a single room?

Details of the first traveller

Details of the second traveller

Have you been on a tour with us before?

How did you hear about this tour?

Additional information

Do you have additional needs or require reasonable adjustments for your trip? Please feel free to let us know anything else you require for your booking eg. Extra/accessible accommodation or dietary requirements.

The following payment page is provided by our ecommerce partner, Axcess.

This payment will show on your statement as: Jon Baines Tours Ltd (tel no. 0207 223 9485)

Need more information?

  • 020 7223 9485
  • 03 9343 6367
Contact us