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Jon Baines Tours​Susan Hagan

Susan Hagan MIFPA MBTPA Cert ED. DipAy has been  a tutor and practitioner of complementary therapies for 40 years. She was the International Chair of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists from 2002 to 2005 and sat on the Committee for National Occupational Standards for Ayurveda, UK. She lived in Nepal for 13 years and India for 6, where she trained as a ceramicist. Back in the UK she piloted aromatherapy for people living with HIV in the UK, and due to its success was invited to America to introduce the techniques there at various NGOs. She trained in Bowen therapy in 2000 and has practised this remarkable technique ever since. Being impressed by the results she began to teach and is now the Director of the International Bowen Therapy Foundation, Bulgaria, where she has lived for the last 10 years. She is the creator and owner of Cob in Bulgaria, a building collective that builds houses made from natural materials. An experienced tour leader, she leads regular tours to Bulgaria.