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Jon Baines ToursVery Reverend Dr Richard Marsh

The Very Reverend Dr Richard Marsh has a long association with the Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches. He is the author of 'Black Angels: The Art and Spirituality of Ethiopia', 'Prayers from the Eas't and co-authored 'Millenium Challenges for Development and Faith Institutions'.

He is the Dean of Killaloe, Co Clare in the Church of Ireland, having worked in both the Church of England and in various capacities in the voluntary sector in the UK and Ireland. Richard has travelled extensively and is an experienced tour leader, having led many successful tours to a wide range of destinations.

He and his wife, Ros, divide their time between Co. Clare and their home in Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Very Reverend Dr Richard Marsh will be leading these tours

The historic town of Kruja in Albania

Albania and Macedonia: Cultural Crossroads on the Via Egnatia

10 - 21 Sep 2024

Possessing pristine natural beauty, important archaeological sites and towns sited in stunning locations that have remained unchanged through the centuries, both Albania and Macedonia have begun to...