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Jon Baines ToursDr Carol Reeves

Carole Reeves has a PhD in the History of Medicine (University of London). She has worked as a medical illustrator, and as a writer/director, communicating medicine and science to specialist and public audiences through film and television. She has travelled the world for work and pleasure. She was appointed Outreach Historian to the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine (2006), and Senior Lecturer in Science and Technology Studies, University College London (2013). She is a Fellow of the Institute of Medical Illustrators, and a Fellow of the British Institute of Professional Photographers. 

Her public engagement projects include a history of medicine for HistoryWorld, which won the New Statesman New Media Award (2003) for the UK's best educational web site; and ‘The Children of Craig-y-nos’, a public history project that recorded the memories of people who were child patients in a tuberculosis sanatorium in the Swansea Valley. This was shortlisted for the Medical Journalists’ Association General Readership Book Award (2010). 

Carole’s interest in Ancient Egypt developed in childhood. She has travelled throughout Egypt and has worked with UCL’s Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology on events which bring aspects of Egyptian health and healing to a public audience. She is the author of ‘Egyptian Medicine’ (2001), and ‘Health and Healing in Ancient Egypt’ for BBC History Magazine’s ‘The Story of Medicine’ (2017).