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Jon Baines ToursDr. Ashok Sethi

Dr. Sethi has pioneered, in the UK and internationally, the art and science of surgical and restorative implant dentistry for 25 years. His practice is totally dedicated to implants, achieving outstanding success rates in terms of predictability as well as aesthetic and functional outcome.

He conceived and taught the Diploma in Implant Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He is the director of the recently established PID – Academy providing postgraduate education and training in practical implant dentistry. He is a founding member and past president of the ADI and has been elected as an honorary life member of the Association.

He has written a book “Practical Implant Dentistry” jointly with Thomas Kaus, which is published by Quintessence International and has been translated into 10 different languages. The 2nd edition, “Practical Implant Dentistry–the Science and Art”, is now available.

Dr. Ashok Sethi will be leading these tours

A view across Bukhara

Dental Study Tour in Uzbekistan

7 - 19 Oct 2024

Uzbekistan is the land-locked heart of Central Asia’s evocative Silk Road. The stunning architecture of its ancient cities links the empires of China and Persia, reflecting layers of history...